Why you should be using these natural ingredients to nourish your skin. . .

Last week, we learned about 3 hidden chemicals in common skin care products like your body lotion, facial moisturizer, and cleanser.
If you missed last week’s blog, go ahead and click here to check if these ingredients are in your current skincare routine.
This week, we’re highlighting the hero ingredients we use as natural skinfood.
As consumers, we know that we should look for wholesome products to put in and on our bodies. We know that natural ingredients are better for our health than highly processed chemicals.
But will natural ingredients give us young, healthy, skin?
Are natural products powerful enough to heal dry, irritated skin?
Will they heal common skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, or dermatitis?
At Wild Kiwihearts, our answer is yes!
Nature has given the best ingredients to nourish your skin and heal your body. These 3 hero ingredients will give you nature’s best remedies for beauty inside and out.
The “Pharmacy of the Forest”-Kawakawa
1 in 6 Kiwis will visit the doctors because of skin problems.
Acne affects almost every teenager to some degree. 1 in 6 children will suffer from atopic eczema. And psoriasis affects 100,000 Kiwis!
Itchy, red, dry, cracked, and embarrassing. You resort to intense steroid creams and prescriptions to lessen the uncontrollable symptoms. These numbers are intimidating and the reality of living with inflamed, dry skin is hard.
But Kiwis have an amazing solution.
Known as the “Pharmacy of the Forest” Kawakawa is a small tree with heart-shaped leaves and many medicinal purposes:
- Anti-bacterial
- Anti-viral
- Contains Eugenol, a natural antiseptic
Contains Myristicin, which blocks the damage of healthy skin cells in conditions like psoriasis
Tried and true, Kawakawa has countless benefits for healing inflamed skin to a smooth, moisturized, and balanced state.
Wild Kiwihearts has Kawakawa in products like our Hemp & Pomegranate Face Moisturizer, Kumerahou & Kaolin Cream Cleanser, and the Magnesium & Kawakawa Body Cream to give you the best healthy skin.
Kiwi’s Vulnerary Shrub- Kumerahou
At Wild Kiwihearts, we want your skin to be beautiful.
We want your skin to be healed.
We want your body to be healthy.
This is why we chose Kumerahou as a main ingredient in our Kumerahou & Kaolin Cream Cleanser. It boosts your skin with healthy, regenerative fatty acids and antioxidants while cleaning your skin.
Kumerahou is a vulnerary meaning it soothes and aids the body in the healing process. Not only does Kumerhou have amazing anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial qualities, but Maori tradition also used it as a blood cleanser:
- Contains potent antioxidants for your skin
- Soothing emollient to soften dry, cracked skin
This essential ingredient restores damaged skin and leads to healthy new cells leaving your skin looking fresh and glowing!
The Miracle Salt-Magnesium Chloride
Waking up, you struggle to move your aching sore muscles out of bed. You didn’t sleep well last night and your head is pounding from the early stages of a headache.
But you have to just go on with your day.
Many people suffer from common health problems like:
- Sleep trouble
- Frequent migraines
Muscle aches and pains.
These problems become such a part of your daily life that you don’t remember what it feels like to be healthy and your best self.
But it's a simple fix.
Over 80% of adults suffer from Magnesium deficiency.
Magnesium is a key chemical needed in over 300 bodily functions like increasing energy levels, muscle relief, migraine prevention, and blood pressure regulation. Low magnesium levels have been linked to problems like:
- Insomnia
- Muscle aches, cramps, restless legs
- Frequent Migraines
- Anxiety
- Brittle Bones
One of the main ingredients in our Magnesium & Kawakawa Body Cream, magnesium chloride is a natural salt that is easily absorbed through the skin.
In our Magnesium & Kawakawa Body Cream, Wild Kiwihearts has combined the healing magnesium chloride with the calming benefits of Kawakawa to:
- Soothe sore and aching muscles
- Ease restless legs
- Calm inflamed, red skin
- Assist in a restful night sleep
Don’t accept uncomfortable skin and daily body pains.
Try this natural magnesium supplement in our body cream to heal and give your best self from the outside in.
Nourish Yourself
At Wild Kiwihearts, we select the best natural ingredients so you don’t have to choose between effectiveness and quality. You can have natural ingredients that will give you the clear, smooth, beautiful skin you always wanted while nourishing your health. Knowing this, Wild Kiwihearts has your health and skin in mind so you can breathe easy and enjoy daily life!
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