Wildcrafted Kawakawa is the foundation block in Wild Kiwihearts Nourishing Skinfood range.
A native N.Z. plant with heart shaped leaves known traditionally for its wide range of medicinal properties and known locally as the Pharmacy of the Forest.
Spiritually, Kawakawa heals and opens the hearts energy centre and is a special plant that brings us a little bit closer to creating that real heart space in our lives.
Kawakawa is known to have anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-viral and analgesic properties making it helpful in reducing inflammation of various skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis and skin rashes, sunburn, cracked nipples, nappy rash, cradle cap, chilblains, and nettle stings. Kawakawa is also known to aid circulation and rheumatism.
Used In: Hemp & Pomegranate Face Moisturiser, Kumerahou & Kaolin Cleanser, Magnesium & Kawakawa Body Cream