Try Gratitude this Mother's Day

2 Minute Read
Draw a picture of your mother and tell us about her.
A simple request… but a powerful one.
The retreat leader wanted us to create a picture of our mothers. Come up one at a time. And talk about them.
“Easy enough” most of us thought. But easier said than done.
The first person got up and their words began to break. Their eyes gleamed from holding back tears as they shared about their mum’s immense love.
I stood up next.
Very slowly, I felt my throat begin to surprisingly swell. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I spoke about the endless love, selfless care, unwavering support, tenacious hard work that my mother continually gives to me to this day.
As each person got up, the room was filled with emotions over this simple exercise.
In that room, to-do lists were forgotten, daily stress was silenced, distractions of our lives didn’t play up.
And we were asked to focus on one of the most important people in our lives...
We were asked to express gratitude.
To be thankful for your mother on this Mother’s Day, your gesture doesn’t have to be as grandiose as getting up in front of a room full of people or as expensive as buying a huge gift.
Expressing gratitude for your loved ones can be a simple daily practice. But to begin, we’ve collected some special ideas for you to share your gratitude this Mother’s Day.
Use these ideas to connect, nourish your relationship, and present everything that they mean to you.
1. A Gratitude Letter
A simple letter expressing what your mother means to you. Read it to her and let it be a simple but powerful exercise. Your mum will appreciate that all of her love & care is recognized.
2. Nature Walk
With the beautiful weather, take a short walk to the local gardens, the lake, or in a park with a surprise picnic where you can give your letter to your mum.
3. Tea Time
Brew up a hot beverage or take her to the boutique cafe, where you can share a wonderful cup of tea & your gratitude message.
4. Meal to be Grateful
Bring your mother her favorite meal or drink. She can relax while you prepare dinner or a lovely drink while reading your letter to her.
5. Pamper Date
Pamper your mother with all the love, care, & nourishment she deserves with natural, organic skincare products like Wild Kiwihearts. Bring over Kumerahou & Kaolin Cream Cleanser or this Special Mother's Day Offer Pack to use as natural, soothing face masks. While she decompresses, you connect and express your love & gratitude to your mum.
As Mother’s Day approaches, we’ve given you these ideas to express the sheer gratitude, love, and care that your mother deserves and has given you every day.
Be present with your mother and your loved ones. Remember to focus on what is important. Practice this daily.
Because gratitude is the best gift you can give to someone.
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